Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nature's Classroom

I hope you enjoyed our time at Nature's Classroom as much as I did. This week I want each of you to write 3-4 sentences about something you learned while we were there. Please include some details about what activity you were doing and who else was involved. As always, use good mechanics in your comment.


  1. My activity is the Ultimate Challenge. It was me,Annabel,Zev,Harrison,Will S.,Will G.,Etc. One of our many challenges was to tape our thumbs to our hands and try to peel an orange.It was really hard! We tried to use our teeth to pry the orange open... it didn't work. Also we had to draw a "dream dog" with our feet. Mine would not win the best drawn dog by feet award.Then we did more. It was really fun,and I hope to go again.

  2. Something I learned was to how to survive in the woods if you didn't have the things we humans have such as factories, a lot of food, et cetera. In this game we had to dodge carnivores and tag people and a lot of other stuff. The main objective was to collect water and food (on blocks) that had a code on them which we had to write down on on our 'stomach' or a tag on a lanyard which had a crayon on it. You also had a somewhat amount of rubber bands on your wrist, which were lives. I had a lot of fun in that game since I was a herbivore and I got all my food and water I needed with still some lives left.

  3. What I learned was how to make a candle. We used plastic cups, wax, and a design of our own. The class included Hayden Fly, Georgia Ross, Hannah Fisher, etc. The station we were in was warm and we had a lot of free time to talk.

  4. Something I learned at Natures Classroom was how to drop an egg out of a window without it cracking. First we learned about drag, how to slow something down, impact, giving the object cushion. Then the man gave us a plastic bag, then amaginary points so we could buy upgrades to help our egg get safely to the ground. Will.G, Hayes.B, Jace.C, Craig.M, Sam.W, Ailey.G, and other people found partners. Then they bought uprades went to a quiet spot to work on their projects. Will.G an I made our egg in a cup with an egg carton on top and on the botom of the egg. Then we taped the carton and the string that was tied to the bag, wich was the parachute, to the cup. We were the first ones to go and we were successful.

  5. What I learned while I was at natures classroom was how to make a candle. First you get a paper cup and put the first layer of wax in your cup. then you let it dry and repeat this process. I really enjoyed making candles!

  6. When I was at natures classroom,I learned how to make a candle.It was pretty cool.Some of the people that were making candles with me or in my group were Jenna,Annabelle,and Sidney.I really liked Natures Classroom and making candles.

  7. Natures Classroom was a very fun trip, but at the same time a learning experience. A few of the things I learned and a few of the classes were, feed your face, bubbles, and power tower. Most of the classes were very fun. In feed your face you get to smell various sents and if your group likes it you put it in a bole. Then the adult pours steaming water in, and you get under a sheet with the bole and you breath the good smelling steam. Feed your face is my favorite class, even the guys liked it. Natures Classroom was a great camp that I will never forget.

  8. I thought that the trip was okay, but I had fun. I learned how to make soap with Will Sager and Will Nixon, and Mason Long. The soap didn't turn out the way we wanted, it had most of stuff outside of it and there was not enough wax in it. I enjoyed most of the trip!

  9. I liked Natures Classroom. The activity s were awesome! My field group were the Squirrels. On my first hike, we identified a hickory tree. The way you can identify the tree, is that you look at pattern on the trunk. Another way to identify, a hickory tree is to look at the ground around the tree to see if there are nuts around it with, which likes a pigs nose in the center.

  10. the trip was relly fun.We got to make all different things like I made a pieace of paper a candle and got to play lots of games my favorite game was Surving in the woods.where you had to find all the water and all the food to stay alive and not get eatin.Thats what i liked natures classroom

  11. At natures classroom one of the activities I took was Ultimate Challenge. I learned how hard it was for people with no thumb to peel an orange. The only way I could think of peeling it was with my mouth. The worst part was after I finished there was this tarablle taste in my mouth but, it was gone after a few minutes. I had fun at Natures Classroom

  12. I had a lot fun on the trip to natures classroom. There were some good things and some bad things about the trip. One of things that I liked was the under ground, it made it feel kinda real because we were alone and it was rainy and dark. one of the things I didn't like was that when were there it was really,really cold. But it was still really fun!!!

  13. My favorite class was Candles. We learned how to make candles. First we poured the first color of wax in a plastic cups and let it dry,then we poured a different color of wax on top, we repeated the process. I loved going on the hikes through the woods. Natures Classroom was really fun, I loved it!

  14. When I was at Natures Classroom I thought it was really fun and I learned a lot of things too. Such as in Doctor in the woods I learned what to do if your in the woods and see someone who is hurt you can ask them questions like what's their name, how long they've been their, and what happened. If they can walk they would come with you to go get help but if they couldn't walk someone would stay with them and someone would go with you to go get help. If they were bleeding you would need to stop the bleeding right away by cleaning it with water and applying lots of pressure. When we practiced it with fake injuries and fake blood, I saved Ailey G. and Emiline W. saved me.

  15. Nature's Classroom was really fun. I learned how to make a candle. I also learned how to make sure that everybody is safe in an emergency situation in the woods. Me and a few of my friends learned how to recycle old paper that nobody used anymore. I don't know about everybody else's experience at Nature's Classroom but, I think that like me, everybody had a fun time there.

  16. I had so much fun at Natures Classroom.One our first hike we went through split rock.Where we went through a rock formation. It was so cool. My field group was the bears and my group leader was Sara.I also liked the cabins.I like the food too.I had so much fun at Natures Classroom.

  17. At Natures Classroom they had a lot of classes and activities. My favorite class was the Feed Your Face. I liked it because we learned how to make products to use on our faces that is good for the environment. I was partners with Le Ellen and Georgia. I wish I could go again.

  18. When we first got there I thought it was going to be boring, because of the game we started out playing. But when we were there for a bit, it was pretty interesting and fun. I did not like the food, except on breakfast. I liked the hikes and field group time. If I had to grade natures classroom I would give it 7 out of 10.

  19. I thought natures classroom was awesome and a great learning experience to. One of the things I learned at natures classroom was that all different types of trees have different kinds of patterns on their trunks. Another example of something I learned at natures classroom is that in beginning of the process of making soap the soap does not have a good fragrance until you put herbs or scents into it. I learned that this information about soap in the class soap with Taylor C., Maggie H., Lydia G.,and LeEllen L. Natures classroom was a terrific trip for me and I wish we could go again.

  20. I liked a game called foot tag. I played it with my field group .Who were called the eagles. I hope I can do it again soon

  21. I think Natures Classroom was relay fun. I loved learning how to make new, and different types of air planes. The people that were in there were Ty, me, Grayson, Sam, and Hank. I love being out door's hanging, and being with my friend. So probably my favorite thing to do was go hiking. The reason why, because I love getting a good exercise also I loved seeing all the cool sights.

  22. I had a great time at Nature's Classroom! I learned that rocks slide where gravity takes them. I learned this on a hike. ( I can't remember which trail.) I also learned that rocks can be pulled with gravity at any rate of speed. By the time I went home, I bet I knew 3 times more about nature than when I got there.

  23. At Natures Classroom I learned that you need a lot of cushion and protection on the egg drop from preventing the egg from cracking. Natures Classroom was more fun than I expected it to be. My favorite class was the Ultimate challenge where you got to learn about disabilities and try to do things very challenging and difficult. The Ultimate one was funny watching Craig try to go through a obstacle course blind folded, that made me laugh. I had a lot of fun and I might liked to gov again.

  24. Ira/John Cena/WWE lord of the streak#19April 9, 2013 at 2:01 PM

    While we were at natures classroom I had a great time. One of the things that I learned about was split rock. We actually got to go inside and come out the other way of it. I also learned how it is made. It's actually made by rocks sliding around. The way we stayed safe was by going one at a time and when one person was completely on the opposite side, our field group leader Jess would yell for the next person to come in. When you got to the end of the tunnel you would turn and look up to the sky like you were sleeping and then Jess would pull you up. Plus if he wasn't there or you slipped out of his grip Mr. Thweat would be there to catch you. Going to natures classroom was really fun and I hope I get to go again.

  25. I learned that quicksand is a colloin hydrogel. This means that it is in between the states of solid and liquid. In the case of quicksand, it's closer to a solid. If preasure is added, it turns into a liquid allowing you to sink. I learned this from my field group leader, Sarah.

  26. The trip to Natures Classroom was good and I had a good time. I did not learn much just a few things. I learned how to make paper with paper and it was quite interesting. I also made cinnamon rols from scratch that tasted delishes. My groop and I went into a thin cave that I could barly fit through. Also I leally liked The Underground Railroad. It would nice to go again and I hope I do.

  27. I had a fun time at Nature's Classroom. I learned that in the 1800's the children would make the candles for the whole year for the family. I also learned that the clildren made 730 candles so that they could use two candles per day. I really enjoyed Split Rock and the Underground Railroad that we did with our group. I like my group leade Lauren alot. She was really nice and funny. I'm glad I went and I hope I can go again!

  28. I had a great time at Nature's Classroom. I learned about all kinds of trees on our hikes and what the word "Ort" means. I also learned how the slaves felt on the Underground Railroad (even though it was only for an hour.) I absolutely LOVED our cabin and got to bond with my friends. Hopefully I get to go there again!:)See ya!:)

  29. I thought nature`s classroom was all right because of all the rain. I learned how to build a six feet structure. It was made out of 15 sticks and some rope. That was my second favorate activity behind all fly away. I had a lot of fun.

  30. Natures Classroom is awesome! What I learned there was all kinds of plants and trees. Ever the word "Ort" means. I ever learned what the slaves had to do on the Underground Railroad. I wish I can go to this place every day.

  31. Jackson N. #15 BurrisApril 10, 2013 at 4:02 PM

    I think Nature's Classroom was a great fun, educational, and team building expedition. During one of my many classes, I learned to make a face cream/rub out of only oatmeal and honey. It makes a great snack too! I think my favorite things were the Underground Railroad simulation and the Gift Shop. You can get so many things for only ten dollars. Thanks For Reading!

  32. I thought Natures Classroom was very fun and exciting, but the activity I learned from the most was Egg Drop. You had to build a contraption to stop the egg from breaking when you drop it off the second story of the gym. You learned a lot about physics and how things fell, and what stands in their way.

  33. I thought Natures Classroom was super fun, and was so nice! I think the most event that I learned from was the "Baking Back In Time." I had to make Cinnamon Rolls with a little stove that the Native-Americans used to cook there food on. I also had to make my own batter for the Cinnamon Rolls. Which included the icing. I had a great time, and made great memories! (By catching my jacket on fire...)

  34. I didn't go to nature's classroom, but I went to the supernationals chess tournament. It was a really great experience. It is only once every four years, so I couldn't miss out on that. There were people from all over the country at this event. I played a guy from Connecticut, two from Texas, two from New York, one from Arizona, and one from California. It was a tough tournament. I lost my first two games, won my third and fourth, lost my fifth, won my sixth, and lost the seventh. I got three out of seven points. On the other hand, I got to stay in the Opryland Hotel during the event. It was fun.

  35. Natures classroom was really fun! I liked the egg drop how you had to have cushion and acceleration to make your egg survive. My favorite class was the ultimate challenge.In the ultimate challenge we learned about and acted how it would be like if we had disabilities.My two favorite parts in the ultimate challenge was when we had to peel an orange with no thumb it was fun I was covered in orange peels the juice made look like a orange man.The obstacle course was fun all so we did it blindfolded there were sticks that we were not to step on the sticks I ended up ten feet away from the obstacle course so we were acting like we were blind.My favorite field group activity was the underground railroad despite the rain I saw how hard it was to go through the underground railroad always getting questioned about something most of the time.The hikes were pretty fun the part I did not like was when I always fell down man it hurt.The back country baking class was fun I did it with Hayes B. Ty D. Ellie H. Trinity P. Catherine M. Lauren D. and more we got to make cinnamon rolls with no electricity the cinnamon rolls were amazing.Cabin time was awesome joking around telling stories the cabin leaders were really funny they would always prank me.

  36. I loved Nature's Classroom so much. I enjoyed many of the activities. One activity I did was making soap. I learned that soap used to be made out of animal fat. I also learned that there are many herbs you can put into the soap and it can help your body. I really enjoyed learning how people in the back country cook. I loved making the batter, rolling the dough with a water bottle, and using a trash bag as the pan and many more. I learned a lot about different kinds of trees, like white pines, dogwoods, white oak, etc. I loved doing the Underground Railroad. I think it was fun and scary at the same time to make up a story like the slaves did. My last and probably my favorite is FEED YOUR FACE!! We got to do facials and learn about our skin. Did you know that honey and oats can help your face? Crazy right? I had so much fun at Nature's Classroom and would love to go again. Some of the people in my field group were Hannah F. Jenna T. Sarah K. Catherine M. Frankie K. Matthew B. Harrison F. Chip Jacob D.

  37. Nature's Classroom was one of the best experiences I have ever had! One thing I learned about was how to indentify trees. I was taught to look at patterns on the bark to know what kind it is. My favorite class was I'll fly away. In that class, we made paper airplanes and had a contest to see which airplane would go the farthest. I have to say, it was the best field i've ever had!

  38. I thought Nature's Classroom was awesome. I enjoyed learning how different paper planes could do different tricks. We did this activity in the gym. My favorite activity was Split Rock. I would definitely go back if it wasn't raining!

  39. I learned a lot of things with my field group the hawks. Like, how to indentafi trees and plants. i also learned what a bubble is. I had a lot of fun at Nature's Classroom and i hope every one else did too!
